Saturday, August 1, 2009

Taste of India

Today, Advika had a taste of India
Though not a literal taste since no one shared :(
And so she fell asleep

Kidnapped :)!

Today I was kidnapped

By the (Gowda) Mafiaso
Though I thought I had someone to protect me,
Though when she lost interest (do you think I was born yesterday?)
She showed her true colors
Though she didn't quite have the look down


Always wondering what's going on behind (above?) her
And is interested when it (you?) move in front

Though mommy and baby can't stand each other
(get it, it's funny cause they are sitting down )
Advika seems to be biting her tongue at that one..


Adivka is happiest early in the morning

Especially when she seems Mommy for the first time

And checks to see how the walls, roof and curtains are doing

(Like a little curious monkey)

And if Mommy's sweater is edible (just in case)

Carrying On

Advika enjoys the scenery during her trips
Though she eventually gets bored
And has to fight off the sandman
Sometimes unsuccessfully

Life of a baby

I enjoy sleeping with daddy
Being fed by daddy
Being bathed by granny (with Mommy giving directions)
And mostly being fed by Mommy

I love you Mommy!
